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Introduction to Improvement: “Seeing the Possible” (White Belt-Lean Six Sigma Quality)

Pam Vecellio • April 19, 2021
lean six sigma white belt - introduction to improvement

Gain an understanding of the process used for continual improvement and some of its methods helps. Start to learn how value can be increased and waste decreased is even better. Perhaps most importantly, experience firsthand how much positive change can be made in a short period of time.  

Goal of Introduction to Continuous Improvement:

Using a hands-on simulation, participants will receive a basic understanding of the continuous improvement approach, how to see waste and value in your work process, methods that help you improve, and the degree to which positive change and benefits are possible.


  • Energy and excitement to create measurable improvements
  • Understanding of the what and how of continuous improvement and the improvement cycle 
  • Appreciation of the degree of change and benefits that are truly possible when applying improvement
  • Understanding and ability to identify the concepts of improvement (Waste/Value, Improvement Methods, and some examples of their use) 
  • Prepared for additional improvement training and participation in activities such as improvement events
lean six sigma white belt


Training & Application: 4-hours virtually or 8-hours interactive education (tell, show, do, recycle framework including application via simulation and role play)

  1. Goal of CI and its key elements
  2. Identifying opportunities: Waste and Value
  3. The what and how of the Improvement Cycle 
  4. See how CI Methods help make improvements 
  5. Appreciate the degree of Benefits possible

Certification: Participation in this course = Continuous Improvement WHITE Belt CERTIFICATION.

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