Our personalized coaching is designed to put you or your team on the fast track to improving your professional skills and your impact!
Attend our free or paid events, including live webinars. Multiple continuous improvement events are offered on a monthly basis, so check them out today!
Stay in the loop on all the latest news and information from Continual Impact, including live webinars!
Our personalized coaching for individuals and groups is designed to put you or your team on the fast track to improving your professional skills and your impact!
Our One-on-One coaching is designed to help you and/or your team quickly improve your skills and maximize your impact.
We have been there!
In your role as a future or current leader, continual improvement practitioner, or individual performer, coaching provides advice and guidance in a confidential, objective, and one-on-one fashion.
February 6th, 11:00-11:45 ET, Live, Complimentary Webinar
The Flow improvement method helps to balance resources and smooth out process flow. Decrease wait times, finding errors too late, and mis-communications. The webinar goal: to better understand how FLOW can significantly slash process times with standard handoffs, better communication, and less rework loops.
April 24th, 11:00-11:45 ET, Live, Complimentary Webinar
The responsiblity to lead improvements/changes that make work processes and environment better for team members and the organization is NOT easy. Getting others excited about/engaged in improvement, and leadership support are critical. The goal is to gain more ideas and actions to create more change buy-in and engagement.
Agenda: Sharing best known strategies to
1. Get team members excited about/engaged in improvement.
2. Increase leadership buy in for team's to spend time improving performance.
June 26th, 11:00-11:45 ET, Live, Complimentary Webinar
Teams and organization are seeking better performance and outcomes (external & internal customer). This webinar shares the tried, tested, and proven approach to gain more results and desired outcomes faster, easier, and often above expectations. Agenda: 1. Getting focused on the outcomes. 2. Identifying outcome-hindering priority wastes and gaps. 3. Using improvement method best suited to eliminate wastes/close the gaps 4. Learn other’s results when applying these 3 steps.
August 28th, 11:00-11:45 ET, Live, Complimentary Webinar
Organization assessments help identify our strengths and weakness to address (aka improve). Join this webinar to gain a few diagnostic tools with standard work to utilize the tools (When, with Who, Level of details, Time to complete, & Using the results).
October 23rd, 11:00-11:45 ET, Live, Complimentary Webinar
Ugh! A team member's performance is not what is expected or needed.
Join in to learn the 5-step process and the template to do some problem solving, improve communication, and together identify corrective actions to improve performance.
WASTES - Why They are Important to Performance Webinar
December 18th, 11:00-11:45 ET, Live, Complimentary Webinar
Wastes are a crucial part of improving performance. Wastes consume our time and resources without bringing value. Join in to learn these wastes. What they are, why they are used, and most importantly how to use wastes (i.e., engage others; identify, evaluate, focus improvement methods; create more value).
The Lean Champion Resource Guide: Tools for Leading a Successful Lean Initiative now available on Amazon.
Authors: Bujak, Chris, Vitalo, Raphael L., Byron, James S., Bierley, Patricia V., Ruffino, Barbara J.
Stay in the loop on all the latest news and information from Continual Impact, including live webinars!