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Performance Measurement

Pam Vecellio • Jun 03, 2024

Effective performance measures can help individuals, teams, and leaders gain further insights to solve problems, guide actions to achieve more, and make better decisions. Performance measures that are interlocked provide alignment and focus for all program & division members, see image.

Goal of Performance Measurement training & implementation:

To increase the creation and use of performance measures.


  • More alignment, buy-in, and focus on what performance is critical to the organization units’ members and customers served.
  • Performance measures and data are used in decision-making.
  • All team members can identify with top goals and performance measures.
  • Top goals and measures are interlocked with team and individual performance.
  • Divisions and programs can use measures to more effectively communication and celebrate progress. 
  • Better use of performance measurement system.


Training: 4-6 hours of education and immediate application per team or organization level. 

Application and Coaching: Provided during identification, creation, and implementation.


  • Understand current scope, measures, and performance measures system(s).
  • Training & Application
  • What and Why of performance measures (PM).
  • PM process (step by step how to)
  • Identifying PMs
  • Selecting PMs (including what to stop measuring)
  • Defining PMs
  • Represent/Chart PMs
  • How to use PMs

Example: Customer Service measures

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