We teach and facilitate advanced methods to create significant breakthroughs. We utilize methods:
to design products, processes and services resulting in delighted customers, reduced cycle times and improved quality.
*HBS professor Clayton Christensen
"Total employee labor time was reduced from 415 to 225 minutes / requisition.”
“We decreased defective requests from 90% to 0 in one month.”
Diane W.
"Capacity was increased by reducing the time to prepare, conduct, and follow up on an inspection; from 7 hours to 35 minutes. A 92% improvement vs the 30% goal. Team pride was through the roof!"
"Compliance improved by 54%; Process speed improved by 43%; and Violations decreased by 30% as a result of the improvement project."
“We exceeded our goal through our kaizen!” kaizen team member regarding process cycle time reduction of 62% vs. targeted goal of 33%"