15% of workers could identify their organization’s top three goals
48% of workers say the goals of their work team are translated into their individual work goals
38% of workers say their work team planning results in clear assignments for individuals
Yikes, this is not good! Let’s not be part of the 10,000 surveyed workers who are not aligned to your organization’s goals. How about focusing and aligning all team members by creating interlocking plans to achieve the vision, mission, and goals of the organization? This cannot be done effectively in a simple brainstorming session, nor by just telling everyone the goals and trusting that aligned action will happen. Good planning has a process, methods used in its creation, a structure for action and ultimately involves steps by everyone!
Step #1: Confirm the long term
Step #2: Create a multi-year strategic plan
Step #3: Immediately create an annual improvement plan
Step #4: Engage and involve team members in achieving these goals
Step #5: Make it part of daily work
Often, organizations stop at step 2, create a pretty wall chart, and move on. The benefit of organization planning and execution is interlocking goals through all 5 steps. The 5-step planning process will create tremendous benefits: 1) Focus on what is important and value-adding: Productivity! 2) Grow and thrive amidst industry changes, 3) Simpler decision making, and 4) Everyone working to achieve organization goals – everyday!
Are you interested in getting help leading the process to create focus and alignment of goals?