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Another explaination to workforce shortages and high turnover

Chris Bujak • August 16, 2022

Are you seeing these "We're Hiring" signs EVERYWHERE?

Much evaluation and reporting has been done to explain our workforce shortages. You too have probably read about pay rates, early retirements, the great resignations, and other explainations. 

There is another explaination to workforce shortages and high turnover: Your Environment and People Development work processes.

What is your work environment like? Do you have an environment where:

  • Team members know the work goals, measures, targets, and expected deliverables? They have a reliable process and standardized work to use?
  • Everyone is comfortable asking questions and offering ideas? 
  • There is routine collaborative problem solving
  • Value-added coaching is routinely received?
  • Everyone is able to try new ideas to learn, develop more skills, and influence their daily work?

If you are on the path to creating/changing the environment and processes that attract - develop - retain your people, let's learn from this organization: People were not staying; within 6 months of hire 50% of people were gone. The leaders stated the gap and asked a team to work on closing this gap. Using the Kaizen improvement method, the team began with a system-wide view and data, see image below of the 6 steps in the People Development process. Their data analysis led them to focus improvement in the Onboarding and Mentoring processes. Implementing improvements in these 2 steps resulted in:

  • Decreased 6-month turnover rate from 50% to 5%.
  • Less stress, frustration, and knowledge gaps
  • Better moral and team work
  • >$1M savings per year in recruiting and hiring.

You too have the ability to create the environment and processes that enable the development, health, and long-term success of everyone, (individually and collectively).


Looking at the 6 steps of the People Development process (above) - where would you focus improvements to the process and environment?

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